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ChinaX Part 1: Political and Intellectual Foundations: From the Sage Kings to Confucius and the Legalists

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


China's past, present, and future: through history and geography, economy and ecology, philosophies and politics, literature and art.


This is the ChinaX platform for students enrolled in Hist E-1825 China.

Modern China presents a dual image: a society transforming itself through economic development and infrastructure investment that aspires to global leadership; and the world's largest and oldest bureaucratic state, with multiple traditions in its cultural, economic, and political life. The modern society and state that is emerging in China will bear the indelible imprint of China's historical experience, of its patterns of philosophy and religion, and of its social and political thought and practice. Understanding China in the 21st century is inseparable from understanding China’s history as a great world civilization.

Course Staff

Peter K. Bol

Peter K. Bol is the Charles H. Carswell Professor East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University and the founding director of the Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis. He holds degrees from the University of Leiden and Princeton University. He began teaching at Harvard in 1985 and was named a Harvard College Professor for excellence in teaching. Bol and Kirby have been teaching the history of China together since 1992.

William C. Kirby

William C. Kirby is T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies at Harvard University and Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. He is a Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor. He serves as chairman of the Harvard China Fund and served as director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies from 2006 to 2013.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a registered student at Harvard Extension School. What do I need to know?

Students have the opportunity to earn academic credit through Harvard Extension School (Harvard DCE) for ChinaX. Harvard DCE students need to register for the edX course in addition to registering for the Harvard DCE course. Harvard DCE students will use the edX materials as part of their learning, but will have additional videos, section meetings, assignments and instructor feedback. Harvard DCE students receive and must fulfill requirements contained in a separate Harvard DCE course syllabus. The registration deadline for fall 2013 Harvard DCE courses is September 3, 2013, though students may register through September 10, 2013 with a late fee. See Harvard Extension School for more information.